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Unleashing the Power of AI for Custom CRM Solutions


Custom CRM Development Services

RBCH develops custom-tailored CRM systems
, implementing application development software features & functionalities that drive businesses forward.

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Account & Contact Management

Allows full visibility over your customers, including key contacts, internal account discussions, activity history, and more, gaining insights from social media networks and other platforms right within your custom CRM software solutions
enabling the team being more efficient.

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Opportunity Management

Enable users to view every critical detail in their client’s activity timeline, including what stage the deal is in, which products are part of the deal, and what moves need to be made to close the deal, build customer relationship, tracking all activities as they happen in real-time.

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Sales Data Management

Seamlessly integrate trusted third-party applications, extensions, and plugins to help businesses get the most accurate, up-to-date sales data directly from the custom CRM development
so that they can make better decisions faster and more efficiently.

Lead Management

Gain full visibility and control of the most up-to-date client contact information, managing and tracking all marketing campaigns across various channels, thus allowing businesses to become successful lead trackers
from capture to close.

Hear What Our Clients Have to Say

CRM Development Services Review

We wanted to take the time to say how pleased we are with the work that has been done so far on our CRM project by Pankaj and his teams at RBCH. We are incredibly impressed with the level of organization, communication, speed, skill and understanding that this company has shown in regards to our requests and needs for the CRM. We are looking forward to moving into the next phase of the project and have full confidence that Pankaj and his teams will continue to deliver.

Director of Engineering, Environmental Management

CRM Development Services Review

CRM Development Services Review

We have been working with RBCH for at least four years now. They have been an excellent supplement to our IT team. We have been able to give them big and small projects that we simply just do not have the time to tackle. Working with RBCH has given us the chance to focus more on our customers. They have a great team leader in Ganesh and all the different departments are very helpful. Ganesh is able to help us get our ideas across to the team with ease. We have really been able to grow our business since we started working with RBCH.

Vice President of IT, Banking Implementation

CRM Development Services Review

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Email Integrations

Supercharge your custom CRM solutions platforms
through seamless email integration, syncing current email channels, such as MS Outlook or Gmail, with the CRM to enable full visibility of emails, contacts, calendars, and more across both desktop and mobile.

Workflow & Approvals

Build a point-and-click interface with drag-and-drop features that allow users to automate
complex sales processes, including auto-assigning tasks, approving deal discounts, create customized email alerts, filling out orders, generating proposals, and more.

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Reports & Dashboards

Design and implement modules that enable users to get a real-time overview of the entire business, built with a drag-and-drop feature to create customized reports designed to track lead volume, conversion rates, and all other pipeline data.

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Sales Forecasting

Predict future sales based on current pipeline data with real-time viewing, allowing businesses to anticipate market changes and alter marketing campaigns accordingly to mitigate business risks and make better business decisions.

AI-Powered CRM Solutions

AI in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) development services can significantly enhance the customer experience and help businesses improve their sales and marketing efforts. CRM artificial intelligence can be integrated into businesses to optimize and improve their work operations.

Data Analysis

We can integrate AI to analyze large amounts of customer data collected from social media, email interactions, website behavior, and purchase history. Leveraging machine learning algorithms, AI can identify patterns and trends in data to make predictions about customer behavior, preferences, and churn prediction, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions. This data entry automation can also help minimize the time spent on repetitive tasks.

Personalization and Customer Segmentation

Our experts can develop AI that segments customers based on their preferences, behaviors, and demographics. Understanding individual customers’ needs enables AI-powered CRM systems to deliver personalized recommendations, offers, and content, leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased engagement.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

We can implement AI capabilities to power chatbots and virtual assistants. They can provide instant customer support by handling routine inquiries, addressing frequently asked questions, and resolving simple issues, improving customer service and reducing the workload on human agents, allowing them to focus on more complex tasks.

Sentiment Analysis

Our experts can leverage AI that analyzes customer interactions, emails, chat transcripts, and social media posts to gauge customer sentiment. It helps businesses understand customers’ feelings about their products and services, enabling them to respond appropriately to any negative feedback or issues.

Lead Scoring and Sales Forecasting

Our experts can develop AI that assesses the likelihood of a lead converting into a customer based on historical data and customer behavior. Assigning lead qualification scores allows sales teams to prioritize their efforts and focus on leads most likely to convert, increasing sales efficiency. This predictive lead scoring is helps grow a customer base.

Automated Marketing Campaigns

We can implement AI that optimizes marketing efforts by automating the process of content creation, email campaigns, and social media scheduling. AI analyzes customer behavior to determine the most appropriate time and channel to engage with customers, improving the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Cross-Selling and Upselling

Our experts can develop AI that identifies opportunities for cross-selling and upselling by analyzing customer purchase history and behavior. It allows businesses to offer relevant products and services to customers, increasing revenue and customer loyalty.

Customer Retention and Churn Prediction

We can integrate AI that identifies customers at risk of churning by analyzing behavior patterns and historical data. It enables businesses to take measures to retain these customers by offering personalized incentives or targeted marketing campaigns.

CRM Software Services

RBCH provides custom CRM software services
focused on automating sales, marketing, and customer service business processes for healthcare, banking, real estate, and other industries.

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AI-Powered Platform

Enable the digital transformation of business processes by engineering platform-based CRM process automation solutions
that help businesses optimize existing sales, marketing, and customer services processes by automating regular tasks. CRM PLATFORM is a customer relationship management to your business. Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI)
into CRM development can help businesses better understand their customers, provide more personalized experiences, and drive business growth.

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CRM Mobile App System

Engineer custom mobile CRM applications, allowing users to view calendars, check & create emails, review account updates, join a video conference call, view dashboards & reports, and so much more to help businesses close more deals, and support faster.

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Cloud Based CRM Services

Develop custom cloud CRM solutions
and provide hassle-free cloud-based CRM system installation, enabling round-the-clock accessibility to all essential client information both in the office and remotely so that you’re always connected to your customers.

Third-Party CRM Maintenance

Our CRM maintenance services include fixing bugs, managing data, performing system updates, and ensuring the security, integration, and performance monitoring of your CRM database. Our expertise comprises a wide range of CRM platforms, making our support services unparalleled.

CRM System Support

At RBCH, we recognize the indispensable role that seamless CRM operation plays in the success of your business. Our expert team excels in troubleshooting and resolving issues, leaving no room for uncertainties that could disrupt your daily operations. Our dedicated team is committed to providing unparalleled support, ensuring your CRM system operates optimally to drive your success.

CRM Integration and Maintenance

RBCH specializes in system auditing and server administration, making sure your CRM software stays up-to-date and seamlessly integrated with your other business systems. We provide support for Zoho CRM, Salesforce
CRM Integration, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, SAP application maintenance, and support, ensuring your CRM ecosystem is always at its peak.

Customized CRM Solutions

Our CRM maintenance services go beyond just fixing bugs. We offer extended support to ensure long-term application reliability. We make sure that your CRM system remains resilient and secure by providing security updates and technology upgrades that align with the latest industry standards. Customized support solutions are designed to meet your specific needs.

Reliable CRM Support Service

Exceptional service is at the core of our CRM maintenance and support services. With our advanced ticketing system and transparent communication processes in place, our team is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of service, ensuring your queries and concerns are addressed promptly.

Industry-Leading CRM Platform Tools

We have a keen understanding & knowledge of how to use industry-leading CRM solutions system programs, such as Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, SugarCRM, Zoho, OrangeCRM, and SAP, to boost productivity and meet client needs.


RBCH is a certified partner with Salesforce
, providing custom Salesforce CRM solutions, integrations, installations, implementations, customizations, and Salesforce IT support.

Microsoft Dynamics

RBCH is a certified Gold Partner, providing custom CRM software development services for Microsoft Dynamics
for businesses of all sizes and professional industries.


Expert programmers seamlessly integrate SugarCRM
into existing business processes to empower marketing, sales, and customer service teams.


We will implement Zoho CRM to enable users to automate every aspect of their business, trigger instant actions, and streamline lead nurturing processes.


We’ll implement the OrangeCRM suite, designed with data replication technology, superior reporting functionality, elastic database, and robust transaction routing.


Our certified SAP
developers deliver enterprise-class CRM solutions that elevate and empower businesses, using SAP ERP
and HANA database technologies.

CRM Platform Development: Frequently Asked Questions

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) refers to a business approach and strategies to manage interactions with customers and potential customers. CRM aims to improve customer satisfaction, increase customer loyalty, and drive sales growth. CRM systems use software and databases to organize and track customer interactions, contact information, purchase history, and preferences. Using this information, companies can effectively market to their customers.

CRM can improve customer service by providing a centralized system for managing customer interactions and inquiries, enabling faster response times, improving communication and collaboration among customer service teams, and providing customer data and insights to help resolve issues more effectively. Furthermore, CRM’s data-driven insights allow businesses to anticipate customer needs and preferences, enabling customer service representatives to offer relevant solutions and recommendations proactively. This predictive approach enhances the overall customer experience and fosters a deeper sense of trust and satisfaction with the brand.

While CRM focuses on managing customer interactions, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is designed to manage and automate core business processes, such as inventory management, accounting, and supply chain management. CRM is geared towards optimizing the front end that deals with customers, while ERP focuses on internal processes that facilitate efficient resource planning and managing. However, many CRM and ERP systems are integrated to provide a more complete business management solution.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) in CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software refers to the fusion of advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze customer data, utilize AI-powered chatbots, predict customer behavior, and automate tasks like lead scoring and customer segmentation.

The benefits of Artificial Intelligence in CRM software include improved customer engagement, enhanced and personalized customer experiences, increased sales, and reduced customer churn. By analyzing customer data and behavior, AI-powered CRM systems can help businesses gain insights into customer needs and preferences, allowing them to deliver personalized experiences and targeted marketing campaigns. Additionally, AI boosts operational efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and streamlining workflows.

CRM software can be customized to meet the specific needs of your business. CRM vendors typically offer a range of customization options, including adding or modifying data fields, creating tailored workflows, integrating with third-party applications and services, and tailoring the user interface to meet your unique requirements. User permissions can be set to control data access, and CRM systems can integrate with other tools.

Sentiment analysis, also called emotion AI, is an NLP technique to determine the sentiment or attitude behind a text. Sentiment analysis reviews social media posts, customer reviews, or documents. It uses machine learning to classify the sentiment as positive, negative, or neutral. Businesses use it to understand public opinion about products, services, or brands and can make data-driven decisions to enhance customer experience and satisfaction.

A CRM database, or Customer Relationship Management database, is a centralized digital repository that stores and organizes customer information, interactions, and relevant data. It helps businesses manage and analyze customer relationships, ultimately enhancing customer service and decision-making.


Interested to know more about RBCH’s CRM development services? Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.



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