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Let RBCH Handle Your End-to-End Product Lifecycle Management

RBCH offers product lifecycle management (PLM) services to support small, mid-size, and enterprise-size business needs, connecting people, processes, and data vital to your production and manufacturing workflows.

Requirement Extraction & Analysis

Developers present a clear picture of the entire software project’s scope, defining and documenting the software requirements and feasibility details organized in a software requirement specification (SRS) document.

Architectural Design

Designers create a high-level design (HLD) or low-level design (LLD) document, incorporating a collection of SRS document details, improvement feedback, interface relationships, module information, and other essential details.

Building & Coding

Developers build the entire software system by writing code in a specific programming language, such as Python or JavaScript , implementing custom-coded modules, compilers, debuggers, interpreters, and other components.

Quality Assurance Testing

Software is deployed in a testing environment
where the QA and testing teams identify bugs and other defects, communicate the issues with the developers, and apply a solution to the problem to ensure that the software is stable.

Installation & Deployment

Expert developers, engineers, and programmers make final edits and alterations before finally deploying the software to the production environment for distribution to the appropriate application marketplace.

Maintenance & Support

After the system has been deployed, IT support experts provide IT support & maintenance
to ensure that the software system performs as per the specifications detailed in the software requirement specification (SRS) document.

RBCH’s Custom PLM Software Capabilities

RBCH’s custom PLM software solutions deliver supply chain agility, business continuity, data governance, traceability, and the highest standard of quality and compliance, seamlessly integrated with existing ERP systems.

Bill of Materials (BOM) Management

Bill of materials (BOM) management provides full digital associativity and comprehensive out-of-the-box product structure management across supply chain, manufacturing, engineering, sales, and field service processes.

Change & Configuration Management

Software developers fully define and control all necessary changes and configurations to the product, sharing those changes across the enterprise and delivering real-time views of the changes to cut down on production time.

Manufacturing Process Management

Provides comprehensive methodologies for specific manufacturing environments, ensuring seamless coordination between engineering & manufacturing workflows for a more connected and agile enterprise.

Product Data & Information Management

Guarantees that every engineering model, drawing, design, and document is placed in a central repository, allowing organizations to connect, communicate, and share robust product data and information across distributed teams.

Food Safety & Compliance Software Development

Product Variability Management

Enables manufacturers to diversify their products to meet customer needs, executing different bills of material (BOM) information, embedded software, configurations, and other information via a single data source.

Model-Based Systems Engineering

The MBSE-oriented approach enables early collaborative visualization and simulation, applying modeling, tools, and methodologies to improve engineering workflows, productivity, quality, and regulatory compliance.

Project & Design Collaboration

Connects cross-functional, geographically distributed project teams, enabling them to collaborate regardless of location, with a strong focus on design and manufacturing and project management.

Environmental Health & Safety Systems

Quality Management

Provides automated failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), accurate root cause analysis (RCA), and closed-loop corrective and preventive actions (CAPAs), ensuring that the product quality meets or exceeds industry standards.

Requirements & Test Management

The requirements & test management phase offers end-to-end traceability, enabling teams to specify, define, verify, and validate all aspects of the product while mitigating risk and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Service Process Management

Offers a product-centric approach that enables teams to manage all service information in a centralized source, incorporating automatically linked and updated parts lists, technical documentation, and CAD model illustrations.

PLM Software Integrations

RBCH’s expert developers leverage the latest technologies and integrate popular PLM software tools with your existing business systems to streamline development, implementation, and deployment processes.

Oracle Agile

Oracle Agile

Integrate Oracle
Agile PLM to effectively manage product value chains and lifecycle while providing clear visibility into the product data.

Microsoft Azure
Autodesk Vault

Autodesk Vault

Engineers implement Autodesk
Vault, an all-in-one product lifecycle management (PLM) and product data management (PDM) tool.

Microsoft Azure
Siemens PLM

Siemens PLM

Incorporate Siemens
PLM, ideally suited for 2D, hybrid 2D/3D, and 3D design environments, to optimize the PLM by reducing IT burdens.

Microsoft Azure


Seamlessly integrate SAP
PLM to help organizations develop and deliver high-quality products that drive their business forward.

PTC Windchill

PTC Windchill

Implement PTC Windchill application suite to leverage a consolidated view of all multi-system data and product information.

Microsoft Azure
Arena PLM

Arena PLM

Arena PLM empowers companies with the ability to develop and deliver high-quality, innovative products quickly and affordably.


Drop us a line or give us a ring about Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Services. We would love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.



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